15 December 2009

Well, what do you know...

...the blog isn't quite abandoned. Everything, knitting included, has taken a back seat to the biggest project I have ever undertaken. Here are a couple hints:

Yep, it's a baby! The furry children Chili the dog and Brrp
the cat (formerly Muffin Top) have a sister!She's feisty! Isn't she just the most perfect baby ever?!!?

While I was pregnant, all my creative energy seemed to be utterly sapped, went into making the baby, I suppose. The two items above are two of the three handknits I was able to finish for my own child. Classic case of the cobbler's children having no shoes. Luckily, some of her "fiber aunties" stepped up.

Now that she's here, knitting (and cooking and eating and showering and so on) are utterly secondary to her (lack of) schedule. I've been working on another mostly stockinette baby hat for several weeks now with SLOOOW progress and haven't even started the socks I want to make for my rock star of an obstetrician.

So, the question is, how much does the baby take over the blog?