14 August 2013

Interweave Knits

I am trying, I really am trying to find something to make me want to renew my subscription to Interweave Knits. I love print magazines. I also prefer double pointed needles over magic loop too.

I hung on through the last couple years when practically every piece already looked awkward or ill-fitting on the models. Ok, so IK wasn't unique there; just look around. And I get that they are trying to capture a hipper younger demographic than I belong to. But dammit, if I am going to spend the time, money and effort to knit something, I want it to not look dated before I even finish it and be reasonably flattering. 

The Fall 2013 issue landed in my mailbox yesterday, and I opened it with both excitement and trepidation. On first perusal it looks promising. My three-and-a-half-year-old had other ideas for me last night. Only a couple looks where the garment is poised to do something odd if the model moves. So, do I give the new editor the benefit of the doubt? Dunno yet.