From left to right, they are Waving Lace Socks (Mountain Colors Bearfoot in Rosehip) and Diagonal Cross-Rib Socks (Dream In Color Smooshy in Blue Lagoon), both from Interweave's "Favorite Socks", and then some basic 2x2 ribbed socks (Regia Jacquard Color in a denim-y colorway).

They all are part of last month trip to Farm Country to help out during my mother's post-surgical recovery. The Bearfoot socks were intended as my sanity project; I brought the last treasured skein of this, my favorite, sock yarn specifically for that. I had no idea what to expect, so naturally I expected the worst. Happily, things went well with her recovery. The Smooshy socks are from my foray to the LYS (such a friendly place!) near the physical therapist's. The self-stripers I made for my step dad for the rare occasion when he wears socks - he's a barefoot and Chaco sandals kind of guy.
Pleased as I am with the results - come on, how can one not be pleased with having more handknit socks?!!? - I'm getting a bit antsy with just doing small projects. In the last few months it's been almost all small stuff: socks, scarves and hats for a friend's shop, coffee cup cozies for a Breast Cancer Awareness Month fundraiser (I forgot to photograph them before I dropped them off - doh!).
I did make one sleeveless sweater on commission, but I don't count that as "mine". The pattern, color and yarn choices were all someone else's; my participation was merely in the execution of someone else's ideas. Don't get me wrong; I have nothing against commissions. They just don't particularly scratch the creative itch.
I do have a top-down cardi parked on the needles for about two months now. I had this lovely lovely yarn in the stash (picked up on super sale a few years ago), and I made it into an assymetrical cardi first. HATED the end result, so rippity-rip, and started over. This one is based on a Marianne Isager design in her book "Stricken a la carte". I bought the book in Germany last summer; I don't think it's available in English yet. I suspected from the beginning that I might not have enough yarn, and I was right. Getting more wasn't a problem, other than the obvious one of the new yarn not matching the old. I know what I need to do - rip back a ways and alternate rows of old and new skeins - I just haven't been able to grit my teeth and go to it. It's bugged me so much that I don't even want to photograph the thing as a WIP until I get over that particular hump.
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