18 March 2008

Speaking of horror

On my way home from Knit Nite at my LYS tonight, I got stuck behind a creepy-crawly driver, and while waiting for the traffic in the passing lane to clear, I happened to look over just as I was passing a small local motel. This motel seems to cater primarily to construction workers at local jobsites, sort of low-rent TDY or extended stay place. Just then, a fellow came out of one of the end units heading to his work truck dressed only in, you guessed it, his tighty-whities! Beer gut in all its glory! Yikes - I really didn't need that image burned into my retinas! That's my punishment for taking my eyes off the road. I guess his rationale was that it was just going to take a minute, why bother getting dressed?

1 comment:

Tonni said...

And DD thinks she has it bad when her step-dad retrieves the paper from the yard in his pajama pants :)