12 April 2008

Fiber dry spell

A combination of a wicked stomach flu and spring fever - mostly the flu - has severely limited my enthusiasm for yarn, or much of anything for that matter. I'll omit most of the scary details of the stomach virus, other than that I think I caught it from a dear old friend's one year old and that it knocked the hell out of me for longer than expected. (Could this little sweetie be the face of a germ carrier?!!?) Egg deserves kudos for being a kind, supportive husband during the first night and day of drama and the subsequent five days of whiny exhaustion.

The main current WIP is a shop model for the LYS, but progress is slow. Despite there being an abundance of stockinette stitch in it, my concentration just hasn't been sufficient for working on it for any length of time. I have started on the miles of i-cord handles (yawn) for the soon-to-be-felted entrelac bag; again, progress is slow. That one I really need to light a fire under, because the bag is supposed to go to Maryland Sheep and Wool with "T" and me in May. Come to think of it, if this fiber ennui keeps up, I will not have to worry about busting the budget there - good for Egg, bad for me.

Maybe a little informal knitting meet-up will get me back in the mood....

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