28 December 2008


The Pfeiffer Falls hooded scarf is no more. Despite liking the concept, enjoying the knitting, and even being pleased with the finished object, I had to accept that it looked stupid on me. I'm just not one for cute accessories. With some misguided projects, assuming the finished results were acceptable, I'll keep on hand until the person to whom they really should belong comes along. But in this case, I love the yarn too much to be generous. How's that for holiday spirit? Bah humbug!

1 comment:

Lia said...

Hey, sometimes, the yarn is the thing. Don't feel like a scrooge for wanting to keep it!

I'm sad to hear that the hoodie didn't work for you; I really want to knit that but fear I'll look ridiculous in it (the way I do in all knit hat type things).