28 June 2013

Bumper stickers

I have gotten more good reactions to my bumper stickers in the two weeks we have been back in HSV than I ever did in BHM.
Several times I have seen other drivers point and smile, and this afternoon as I was walking back to my car from the grocery store, there was an elderly couple leaning down to read them and laughing. I asked them which one they liked, and she smiled and said, "Both!"

Then as I loaded my bags, across the parking aisle, a "country boy" called over, "Just what do you do with them pointy sticks?" 

He seemed a bit disappointed when I told him hand knitting.

So, thank you, Tonni, and thank you, Penzey's*, for getting a few happy little conversations started!

* www.Penzeys.com (haven't figured out hyperlinks using this app yet)

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