Pet peeve: yarn skeins that are carelessly tied and are therefore NIGHTMARISH to wind into a ball because some of the individual strands double back on themselves. And, no, this is not a case of careless placement onto the swift; I was oh so careful. Plan was to quickly wind this lovely harvest-y colorway of Schaefer Yarns "Anne" to take it with to the Sunday's meet-up with
Tonni and Catherine so I could start a lace project (for a change) while around Tonni's lacy expertise, but there's no winding this yarn quickly. Grrr...

So I grabbed some sock yarn (Trampoline from Skacel) from the stash and cast on for some toe-ups (yawn). The yarn is aptly named though - lots of bounce in it.

But on a much happier note, Catherine's split poncho/ruana/wrap is complete and in the possesion of its owner. Doesn't she look just look chic? (This is her Paris Hilton over-the-shoulder look, by the way.) This became a collaborative project; Catherine crocheted the varigated side and about a quarter of the solid side, and I knitted the rest of the solid side and seamed them together. The design is from an old Design Source booklet for Manos del Uruguay, adjusted for the much smaller gauge of the Jojoland Melody (varigated) and Louet Gems (solid) yarn Catherine picked out.
Ooohhh... I hope my skeins of Shaefer Anne aren't tangled. In fact, I took one out the other night thinking to wind and knit something and changed my mind. I have two colorways... one reds/oranges and one lighter green/purple.
LOVE Catherine's pose :)
I fiddled with untangling the yarn a little yesterday and quickly walked away - irritation threshold is low right now. So it sits on the swift on the kitchen table, and I glare at it when I walk by.
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